Rotary Sunrise Community Connect - RSCC
- In 2020 and 2021 our community was hard hit by Fire and Flood. Throw in the ever present Covid threat and we, as community leaders, felt we had to act.
- We formed a committee with a narrow focus, liaising with Council and other community groups, able to act quickly
- Our focus is connection: families, friends, businesses, community relationships

Our Adopted Community: Telegraph Point
Tele Point is a small, rural community between Port Macquarie and Kempsey on NSW's Mid North Coast.
The people of Tele Point were absolutely devastated by the flood disaster in March 2021. To this day many houses still stand in ruins. Their lives have been turned upside down and they are still a very long way from living a normal life.

Partly to save money but also because so few trades people are available, John has been working on the house day and night since the floods. As Di Hicks, our RSCC Co-ordinator says: "I don't know how he is doing it".
John is a self employed tradesman. The majority of his tools of trade were ruined in the flood.
He hasn't been able to obtain paid work since the flood.
One couple show just what the community has been through
We'll call them John and Sue (to respect their privacy).
These photos show the state of John and Sue's bathroom and kitchen in July 2021 - four months after the floods!
John has been doing the majority of the work himself using borrowed funds.
Expensive waterproof flooring is needed in the bathroom. Walls still need to be replaced. Finally the kitchen appliances and bathroom fittings are needed.
The money is running extremely low.